Tài nguyên nghiên cứu sâu Html
Bài đăng này đã không được cập nhật trong 4 năm
1. Articles and standards
- HTML 5.3 - Current HTML5 spec
- Progressive enhancement
- The extensible web manifesto
- Differences between HTML5 and HTML4 from W3C
2. Multimedia capabilities
2.1. Audio
- Getting started with the Web Audio API
- Web Audio API at MDN
- Making a Guitar Tuner with HTML5
- Audio visualisation with the Web Audio API and React
2.2. Media Capture
2.3. Picture in Picture
2.4. Speech Synthesis
2.5. Voice Recognition
- Web speech API demo
- Using the Web Speech API
- Experimenting with the Web Speech API
- Free voice recognition library (annyang)
2.6. Virtual Reality
2.7. Web animations
3. Elements
3.1. Canvas
3.2. Head
3.3. Sectioning
3.4. Media Elements
- Audio and Video
- embed tag
- source tag
- track tag
3.5. Forms
3.6. Details
3.7. Time
3.8. WebVTT
3.9. HTML Imports
4. Development APIs
4.1. Permissions
4.2. Geolocation
4.3. Cryptography
- Web Cryptography API draft
- Table of web cryptography support
- Window.crypto
- Cryptography next steps from W3C
4.4. File
- Using files from web applications (MDN)
- Reading local files in JavaScript
- File API Draft
- File system API
4.5. Frame timing
4.6. requestIdleCallback
4.7. requestAnimationFrame
4.8. Web payments
5. Semantics
- Semantic elements from W3Schools
- Sections and Outlines of an HTML5 from MDN Document
- HTML5 Semantics from Smashing Magazine
- Lesser known semantics element from W3C & Opera
6. Accessibility
- Excellent intro to accessibility from Google's fundamentals
- Accessibility checklist for web developers
- ARIA from MDN
- Great Accessibility Style Guide
- Designing for Cognitive Differences
- Guide on how HTML elements are supported by screen readers
- Top 25 Accessibility Testing Tools for Website
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List from W3
- Pa11y - automated accessibility testing
- Aria in HTML
- Accessible and Responsive HTML5 Video Player
7. DOM Management
7.1. Shadow DOM
7.2. Data Binding
7.3. Web Components
- Custom elements v1: reusable web components
- The power of web components
- Polymer project
- A Quick Introduction To Polymer
- Building web components using Polymer and ES6 classes
- Demythstifying Web Components
- HTML imports
- Building Webapps with Yeoman and Polymer
8. Progressive web apps
- Intro to PWAs
- An Extensive Guide To Progressive Web Applications
- The Business Case for Progressive Web Apps
8.1. Service Workers
- Service Worker fundamentals
- ServiceWorkies - Learn SWs playing a game
- The Service Worker Cookbook
- Offline content with service workers
- Making a Service Worker: a case study (Smashing Magazine)
- Service workers explained
- Service Worker Libraries, Totally Tooling Tips
- ServiceWorker: Revolution of the Web Platform
8.2. Offline caching
- The Offline Cookbook
- Instant-loading Offline-first (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)
- Offline Storage for Progressive Web Apps (article by Addy Osmani)
- A Beginner's Guide to Using the Application Cache
8.3. Push Notifications
9. Client side storage
- Client-Side Storage
- Offline Cookbook
- Introduction to IndexedDB
- Real-World Off-Line Data Storage
- Local storage tutorial
10. Performance
- Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
- Google developers best practices
- Optimizing performance from Google Web Fundamentals
- Resource hints draft (preconnect and preload)
- Prefetching and prerendeding
- Image compression
- Text compression
- Resource timing spec
11. Mobile
- The Web App Manifest (Google's fundamentals)
- Field guide to web applications
- Apache Cordova tutorial
- PhoneGap from Scratch
- Best practices for mobile web apps
- Build mobile apps with Kendo UI
- HTML5 Vibration API
- HTML5 Battery Status API
- Privacy analysis of the HTML5 Battery Status API
- HTML5 Network Information API
- Sencha Touch tutorials
12. Communications and interoperability
12.1. Web Sockets
12.2. WebRTC
- What is WebRTC and how does it work
- WebRTC made simple
- WebRTC data channels tutorial
- WebRTC data channels from MDN
13. Web Workers
14. WebGL
15. Browser compatibility
16. Books
- Dive Into HTML5
- HTML5: Up and Running
- Using the HTML5 Filesystem API
- HTML5 Game Development Insights
- Web Design Playground: HTML & CSS The Interactive Way
17. Game development
- Getting started with HTML5 Game Development from Mozilla Hacks
- HTML 5 game development video series by Mozilla
- Info, news and tutorials
- Over 380 resources on HTML5 game development
- Opensource JavaScript game engines
18. Bootcamp
19. Videos and Keynotes
- HTML5 Developer Conference
- Polymer: declarative, encapsulated, reusable components
- Making the mobile web fast, feature-rich, and beautiful
- Dart: HTML of the Future, Today!
20. Websites and resources
20.1. Websites
- HTML official reference (allows collaborative modification of content like wiki)
- HTML5 Rocks (news, tutorials and updates)
- HTML5 Gallery (a showcase of sites using HTML5 markup and API's)
- HTML5 development guide from MDN
- W3C Highlights form June 2014
- HTML5 Please (Know when HTML5 feature are ready to use)
- Keen HTML (Free interactive lessons to learn HTML)
- A Complete Guide to the Table Element
- Community Curated Resources
20.2. Weekly news
20.3. Twitter
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