What Should The Layer Customers Do Now? Opt for Layer Alternative?

This has been the most talked phrase among the search engine from the date when the head of layer chat announced its shutting down through a mail to his customers.

Probably, then all the competitors of layer chat and messaging platform providers in the market started targeting the layer customers. It’s not surprising that most of the messaging platform providers started targeting the layer customers, but the fact is that what the layer customers are about to deal with layer shutting down?

***It’s nothing, but the alternative., i.e, a better platform over Layer messaging platform is the key for maintaining the messaging platform and providing services to their customers without any interruption. ***

Layer platform has announced a couple of issues that made them shut down all the chat operations.

Here’s a list of reasons for Layer Platform Shutdown:

  1. Insufficient In-house team to diagnose and fix bugs
  2. Native SDKs aren’t up to date
  3. Lacks in consistent up-gradation in security
  4. Running low of server operations & infrastructure
  5. Cloud Infrastructure Cost is way too high to sustain

Apart from the list of reasons that Shaun, head of Layer platform intimated through the mail, yet there are few pitfalls that Layer chat platform isn’t up-to-date that meets today’s business communication needs.

  • The Layer platform requires a set of servers to handle and maintain the message queuing.
  • Their infrastructure is solely designed to function customer support based chat.
  • Although Layer partnered with Voxeet to provide video & voice chat, the APIs aren’t sufficient to tackle SIP based calls or group video callings.
  • The SDKs & APIs provided by Layer isn’t a customizable one.
  • Layer infrastructure isn’t scalable to handle concurrent user base.

So, to acquire a premium messaging experience, layer customers have to make a significant decision on choosing the right layer chat alternative to maintain their messaging platform.

What does the Layer Customers Can Do To Maintain their Messaging Platform?

For those enterprises, decision-makers, managers out there, now you might have left scrambling for the best alternative to layer, then you can consider some messaging providers in the market such as MirrorFly, Sendbird, & Stream.

Here’s a detailed comparison of the messaging platform providers in the market, which the layer customers can choose to uplift their existing platform with Layer.

Last Words For Decision-makers

Right now, all you can do is to partner with the right messaging solution provider to maintain your communication platform and serve the communication service to your customers. There are quite a huge number of solution providers in the market, but picking the one who can fit into your business module, migration possibilities with data-loss or even building a messaging platform from scratch with enriched-features.

Partnering with an enterprise-level messaging solution provider is the logical idea every decision-maker of layer customers should be dealing with.

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