How Do I Create A Mobile App Like UberEats?

The food industry is on a continuous leap and latest trend proves it. A recent report says “from 2014-2016 there is 300% more traffic in online food delivery than in dining in traffic”. This demand makes food delivery as a most successful and trending business to keep your eye on.

The mobile apps are the key factors of food delivery. People nowadays find what they need in their mobile itself. More than 70% of the revenue generated by UberEats is through their mobile apps. This report shows the importance of mobile app and its need to build a successful business.

Every entrepreneur, startups, and companies have one thing in their mind. How do I develop a mobile app like UberEats?

If you are one of them, then here is the answer for you.

Develop IT Yourself:

Nobody can develop an app for you better than yourself. Because you know what it takes and what you need. This choice is very simple particularly if you are a technical person.

By knowing just JavaScript, you can develop your app using Cordova, Phone Gap and react-native. You can build a native app by knowing Java or Kofin for android and Swift or Objective C for iOS. But still, you need a database for your app as well as you should host your app. Thus, building an app requires lots of technical skills and time. You need at least a two-member team to help you with the app. Thus, It takes a lot to develop a successful app.


You can freelance someone to develop an app for you. This method is particularly helpful when you have some technical knowledge. Though the charges may depending upon various factors and quality of developers is not known.

Hire A Company:

You can hire a company to build an app for you. It is one of the simple ways to achieve your goal. You just need to ask for quotes and choose the best company to build your app. There are many apps and web development company to develop an app for your business.

Clone Scripts:

If you want a simple way out then, you can buy a clone script with all the features and requirements that you need. You can even customize your clone script for your needs and impose your ideas in your app. There are lots of clone script like UberEats clone is available in the market. I hope you find one.

In the last 5 years, there is a huge development in the food delivery industry. If you are an entrepreneur or food delivery startup then this is the right time for you.

I hope this content is useful for everyone.


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