Top 5 Tools to Manage Manual Testing Results
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Testing of an application is done to ensure that the quality is as per expectations, but the biggest hiccup is the maintenance of manual testing results. While Manual testing a lot of tests is executed to ensure that the new functionality is working fine along with the functionalities which are already built.
But with every coming release, there comes a stack of test cases result and maintenance in the excel sheet is quite difficult. Doing all the manual work of making graphs in excels is quite cumbersome and there is an urgent need to get rid of it. There are so many tools that will help you in maintaining manual testing results. Along with that, they also provide you with options to make reports out of your manual testing results in one go. So, let’s go through those tools in detail.
JIRA is one of the best tools to maintain test cases, results, and reports. You even don’t need any plugins to maintain your test cases. You may have to enable this feature for your company to purchase the JIRA version in mantis. You can have components with sprint names in the component section in JIRA.
They can be sprint 1, 2 and so on. Under these Sprint components, you can maintain your test cases for a sprint. You can make a test case in JIRA by creating an issue in JIRA with type Test Case ST and have it linked with your user story. Now, this test case can have 4 status examples: Open, Closed, Passed and Failed. Now, you can have a life cycle declared for type Test Case ST in mantis. Open test cases will be the test cases which are not yet executed, Passed will be the one which is passed and failed ones are the ones which are passed and closed are the ones which are closed due to out of scope due to some issues or requirement gaps.
Test cases and their results are very easy to maintain in JIRA. First, create a filter to filter all the test cases of a sprint and then create a widget by making pie chat. Assign it a name and assign the filter to that widget and then your dashboard will be made in few seconds. You will get a report of the sprint saying how many got passed, failed and closed. You can directly share the report of the results with the stakeholders.
• TestRail
You can easily create test plan documents in it and then you can maintain results of the manual test cases in real-time. Email notifications and reports can be made without any efforts. You can integrate TestRail with JIRA to link issues directly with the test cases. You can maintain the test cases with TestRail with steps.
You have all important fields like expected results, actual results and then, you can add screenshots in test cases. You can assign the test cases to the contributors and they can start contributing to it. They can comment and even can attach attachments. You can filter the test cases based upon filters. It gives you the flexibility to mark the test case as fail or pass along with attaching the screenshot for the failure if caused. You can easily create traceability and coverage results which will help you in the longer run. These reports will help in showing the stakeholders about the quality of the build.
• qTest
Testers use this tool often to maintain manual test cases. It is very easy to learn so you don’t have to spend much of your time in learning this. It gives you a repository where you can easily maintain all your test cases. In this way, you will have better and easy access to all your test cases, and you will be able to manage them in a much better way. All the activities like test planning can be done easily in qTest.
You can even go through the epics and requirements and you can even link the test cases to the epics. You have the flexibility to view and edit the test cases maintained in the repository. It has a very easy drag and drops functionality which makes qTest very easy for testers. You can mark them as pass or fail and then, you can easily create very detailed visual reports with those results of the test cases. Reports can be made as per your required visual metrics.
It is one of the best test management tools which will help you in the complete software life cycle. You can easily maintain requirements in it and accordingly, you can create a test plan and then you can start preparing test cases based upon the requirements. You can maintain the test cases with their statuses and the screenshots and all the attachments in the test collab. You can link the issues reported with the test cases. You can even log the time spent in fixing the defect in the defects and the execution of the test cases. You get good and detailed reports with test collab. You can integrate with JIRA and with JIRA only, you will be able to create test cases in test collab which makes your life easier.
• TestLink
It is open-source and one of the most reliable test management software for all the people who don’t want to spend a lot of bucks in getting a tool. It gives you various specs like test planning, reporting, and defect reporting, test cases, and execution results maintenance. You can create stupendous visual 3D results with TestLink. It gives you a very easy UI to maintain test cases. You can maintain results with TestLink more easily. You can mark the status of the test case against it. You can even integrate the test cases with issue trackers and then can even link the bug with it.
Now, you can go ahead and start using these above-stated tools to maintain your manual testing service results and create some of the best reports with those.
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