Create Salesforce IDE with Visual Studio


Before to develop Salesforce backend part, Eclipse + Force.com IDE and Sublime Text + Mavens Mate were common. But now we can develop it with VS code. For detail plelase check following release note.

Release note : https://releasenotes.docs.salesforce.com/en-us/winter19/release-notes/rn_vscode_any_org.htm

Seem to this is sound cool and easy to develop. On top of that MavensMate support is already expired, so better to use VS Code.


1. Install Saleforce CLI

Run following command to check if have Salesforce CLI.

 $ sfdx plugins --core

Should be displayed like.

salesforcedx 44.2.2 (core) 

If there is no it, you can DL from here. https://developer.salesforce.com/tools/sfdxcli

2. Install VS Code extention


3. Create Project

Open Command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P/Cmd+Shift+P), Then select SFDX: Create Project with Manifest. You can select where you create the PJ, after selected it, PJ will be generated.

4. Connect Salesforce

Open Command palette then select SFDX: Authorize an Org.

And then select type organization which you want to connect.

After selected it, browser will opened automatically. You can login with your credential.

Then check console if following message is displayed, your are connecting.

Successfully authorized xxxx@exmaple.com with org ID 00DXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
You may now close the browser


https://forcedotcom.github.io/salesforcedx-vscode/ https://qiita.com/shunkosa/items/e6248520bff90f397158 https://www.sunbit.co.jp/blog/2018/08/21740/

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