Deploy to heroku in Django !!!(2018)
Bài đăng này đã không được cập nhật trong 6 năm
Environment Information (anaconda Environment)
- Windows 10 64 bit
- python 3.6.6
- django 2.0.6
※ python 3.6.7 version does not work well the present (2018/11/18).
Deployment steps
Things need to be prepared
- Pre-developed application that to be deployed
- Github account
- Heroku account
- Install some important modules
- Django-toolbelt
- Whitenoise
pip install django-toolbelt
pip install whitenoise
Create important files
- runtime.txt
- Procfile
- requirements.txt
- .gitignore
This is the file that tells the Python version to Heroku. Let's check the version of python by typing python --version
at the command prompt.
- runtime.txt
Procfile is the file in which contains the command to start the heroku process. Let's create the following file.
- Procfile
web: gunicorn procjectName.wsgi --log-file -
※ Since the projectName
of the django
application under development is included in the place called projectName
, please change each of them.
※ Example: Project name is my_project
web: gunicorm my_project.wsgi --log-file -
is a python library that simply connects web servers and web applications. If you have not installed it, install it with the pip
command (or conda
command for anaconda
). You can check with pip list to make sure if it is installed or not.
pip list
pip install gunicorn
is a file that tells heroku, "I will use this module and libraries!"
You can create it with the following command. Let's type in the hierarchy of the project folder.
- Command Prompt
pip freeze > requirements.txt
pip freeze is a command to output with the specific version of the library that you are using.
is a command to create by inputting the output on the left side of the inequality into the file on the right side. So it's all good with the above command.
Please use .gitignore
(with the dot) in git described later.Simple explanation is that I want to push my files to the service called git, but files that i don't want to that be declare in .gitignore
. (For example, the setting file for the development environment described later)
- .gitignore
Change/Add setting
- projectName/ (Change the existing file)
- projectName/ (Create new)
DEBUG = False try: from .local_settings import * except ImportError: pass if not DEBUG: import django_heroku django_heroku.settings(locals())
Let's add this to the bottom of the existing
DEBUG mode will be False
in development.
This is a code describing the development database and debugging. Let's Create New → Copy → Save.
- projectName/
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
DEBUG = True
Using git
To deploy to heroku I will send my file to github service and use git.
Let's install the software from the following site to use the git command via the command line
Install git command here
Type the following commands:
git init
git config "username"
git config "mailaddress"
git add -A .
git commit -m "first commit"
Please enter your user name and the mail address. Do not forget the last . (Dot) in the fourth line.
Lastly, deploy to Heroku
Type in the following commands:
heroku login
heroku create <Your user name>
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku run python migrate
heroku run python createsuperuser
heroku open
heroku run python migrate
describe the heroku version of migrate (database update) you have been doing.
heroku run python createsuperuser
is a command to log in to django's administration site. Let's create an account here.
By entering heroku open
, heroku's web application that you deployed without permission opens in your browser. You can enter url of web application created manually from browser.
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