What are the differences between variables created using let, var or const?
Bài đăng này đã không được cập nhật trong 6 năm
- If a variable is created inside a function, it is scoped to the function
- If a variable is created outside of any function, it is scoped to the global object
let & const
- let and const are block scoped
- let and const are only accessible within the nearest set of curly braces (function, if-else block, or for-loop)
- Javascirpt hoisting: move all declarations to the top of the current scope (current script/current function), so a variable can be used before it has been declared.
- var allows variables to be hoisted
- let and const will NOT allow hoisted
- redeclaring a variable with var will NOT throw an error
- redeclaring a variable with let or const will throw an error
- let allows assigning the variable's value
- const does NOT allow assigning the variable's value
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