
Overview Of Waterfall Model And Agile Model In Testing

Overview Of Waterfall Model And Agile Model In Testing Table of Content

I. Overview 1

II. Overview of software testing using two models 2

  1. Waterfall model 2

a. Figure out and analyze requirements 2

b. Prepare strategies and plans 2

c. Design 3

d. Setup the environment 3

e. Perform 4

f. Report and summarize 4

  1. Agile model 4

a. Start: 5

b. Deployment 1 (function 1), Deployment 2 (function 2), Deployment n (function n). 6

o Design 6

o Perform 7

o Bug Report & Re-run the bug 7

c. Give Feedback 7

III. Summary 8

Read More: http://b4usolution.com/tin-tuc/chi-tiet/overview-of-waterfall-model-and-agile-model-in-testing/37/

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