My shortlist of Ruby gems
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There are always gems for anything, but sometimes there are too many gems for a thing I need, so what gems to choose. Ruby Toolbox is a nice place for that purpose, but it is not always convenience looking there.
I also do not want to remember a (long) list of frequence use gems.
Therefore, follow the criteria from this article: A Guide to Choosing the Best Gems for Your Ruby Project, I create my own shortlist of Ruby gems so when I need, I can make a quick scan through this article.
- slim / slim-rails (recommend)
- haml
- Kaminari (recommend)
- will_paginate (less active)
There are also gems that help integrating Kaminari/will_paginate with Bootstrap such as will_paginate-bootstrap, bootstrap-kaminari-views.
Background Jobs
- Sidekiq use Redis
- delayed_job support multiple backends
- Resque use Redis
- whenever cron jobs
- Sucker Punch
Resque Extensions
Application Servers
- Phusion Passenger
- Unicorn
- Puma (recommend when deploy on Heroku)
- Thin
Rails Admin Interfaces
- Ransack SQL full text search
- pg_search PostgreSQL full text search
- Algolia Search for Rails gem to integrate with Algolia cloud search
- Sunspot Solr search
- Thinking Sphinx Sphinx full text search
Elastic Search
- foreman
- Better Errors
- Rails ERD
- pry-rails
- Quiet Assets turns off Rails assets pipeline log
- Brakeman
- RuboCop
- Rails Email Preview
- rack-mini-profiler
Rails Configuration
Cache / Data Store
- Dalli Ruby client for Memcached
- redis / redis-rails
- hiredis
Documents Handling
- SmarterCSV read CSV faster
- Prawn / PDFKit / Wicked PDF generate PDF documents
- to_xls-rails
- Roo read various kinds of spreadsheets Extensions: Roo:Xls / Roo::Google
- Yomu read various kinds of documents include MS Office, Open Office, Apple iWorks, rtf, pdf documents
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