Let's have some fun with cucumber


In my previous article Introduction to Cucumber testing tool did tell you about what cucumber is, how it works, and an example of how we apply cucumber to test a systems. However, in this article I'll show you some fun thing which we can play cucumber automation. So what is it?

User story

As a lazy developer, I have few friends only. And I want to have more friends by using social network. So on every Friday, I want to write a post which ask my friends on social network to have some drink at night. But I always forgot, then I write a script for post my message on social network for ask my friends to have a drink.

Now, let's see how can we use cucmber to solve this problem?

Let's implement our code

In this aritcle, we will implement the code continue from my code in previous article Introduction to Cucumber testing tool. So if you some line of which exist in our source file but does not memtion in this article please check on my previous article. Now let write our cucumber automation follow the user story. First, let's create feature file follow the user story:

Feature: Post on social network
As a lazy developer, I have few friends only.
And I want to have more friends by using social network.
So on every Friday, I want to write a post which ask my friends on social network to have some drink at night.
But I always forgot, then I write a script for post my message on social network for ask my friends to have a drink.

Scenario: Login and post on google plus
When I visit google plus homepage
And  I click on google plus sign link
And  I fill my google plus email
Then I click on next button
And  I fill my google plus password
Then I click sign in to my google plus account
And  I visit google plus homepage
Then I click on add new post on google plus
And  I write my new google plus post
Then I click submit my post on google plus
And  I take a google plus screenshot "google_plus_new_post"

Scenario: Login and post on facebook
When I visit facebook homepage
And  I fill my facebook email
And  I fill my facebook password
And  I click login to facebook
And  I write my new post on facebook
Then I click submit my post on facebook
And  I take a facebook screenshot "google_plus_new_post"

Next, write our step definetion:

  • google plus step:
    When(/^I visit google plus homepage$/) do
      @google_plus =  GooglePlusPageObject.new @browser.browser

    When(/^I click on google plus sign link$/) do

    Then(/^I fill my google plus email$/) do

    Then(/^I click on next button$/) do

    Then(/^I fill my google plus password$/) do

    Then(/^I click sign in to my google plus account$/) do

    Then(/^I click on add new post on google plus$/) do

    Then(/^I write my new google plus post$/) do

    Then(/^I click submit my post on google plus$/) do

    Then(/^I take a google plus screenshot "([^"]*)"$/) do |file_name|
      @google_plus.save_screen file_name
  • facebook step:
    When(/^I visit facebook homepage$/) do
      @facebook = FacebookPageObject.new @browser.browser

    When(/^I fill my facebook email$/) do

    When(/^I fill my facebook password$/) do

    When(/^I click login to facebook$/) do

    When(/^I write my new post on facebook$/) do

    Then(/^I click submit my post on facebook$/) do

    Then(/^I take a facebook screenshot "([^"]*)"$/) do |file_name|
      @facebook.save_screen file_name

Then define the page object for our feature:

  • define PageObject class which store all common methods, and attributes.
    require 'uri'
    require 'yaml'

    class PageObject
      attr_accessor :browser, :config
      SITE_URL = {
        google: 'https://www.google.com',
        viblo: 'https://viblo.asia',
        google_plus: 'https://plus.google.com',
        facebook: 'https://www.facebook.com/'

      def initialize(browser)
        @config = YAML.load_file("config/config.yml")
        @browser = browser

      def open(site_name)
        @browser.navigate.to SITE_URL[site_name.to_sym]

      def page_title

      def save_screen filename
        sleep 1

      def fill_field field_id, value
        @browser.find_element(:id, field_id).send_keys value

      def clear_field field_id
        @browser.find_element(:id, field_id).clear

      def quit

      class << self
        def init_browser
          Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox

  • define GooglePlusPageObject which inherit from page object:
    class GooglePlusPageObject < PageObject

      def click_google_plus_sign_in_link
        @browser.find_element(:xpath, "//a[text()='Sign in']").click

      def fill_google_plus_email
        sleep 2
        clear_field 'Email'
        fill_field 'Email', @config['google_plus']['email']

      def click_google_plus_next_button
        @browser.find_element(:id, 'next').click

      def fill_google_plus_password
        sleep 2
        clear_field 'Passwd'
        fill_field 'Passwd', @config['google_plus']['password']

      def click_google_plus_sign_in_button
        @browser.find_element(:id, 'signIn').click

      def add_new_google_plus_post
        @browser.find_element(:xpath, "//span[contains(text(), 'new with you?')]").click

      def write_new_google_plus_post
        @browser.find_element(:xpath, "//textarea").send_keys @config['google_plus']['message']

      def submit_post_to_google_plus
        @browser.find_element(:xpath, "//content/span[contains(text(), 'Post')]").click
  • define FacebookPageObject which also inherit from PageObject:
    class FacebookPageObject < PageObject
      def fill_facebook_email
        clear_field 'email'
        fill_field 'email', @config['facebook']['email']

      def fill_facebook_password
        clear_field 'pass'
        fill_field 'pass', @config['facebook']['password']

      def click_login
        @browser.find_element(:id, 'loginbutton').click

      def write_new_post
        sleep 2
        @browser.find_element(:xpath, '//textarea').send_keys  @config['google_plus']['message']

      def submit_new_post
        sleep 2
        @browser.find_element(:xpath, "//span[contains(text(), 'Post')]").click

Finally, add user account information in config file:

  email: "youremail@example.com"
  password: "1234567890"
  message: "Hey everyone, Let's have some drink to night."
  email: "youremail@example.com"
  password: "1234567890"
  message: "Hey everyone, Let's have some drink to night."

Now, it's time to run our cucumber code:

cucumber -t @social-building

or you can run with headless browser: by install xvfb using command apt-get install xvfb Then run

xvfb-run cucumber -t @social-building

And here the result: Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 10.26.06 PM.png

google plus screenshot: Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 10.27.31 PM.png

facebook screenshot: Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 10.27.43 PM.png

Yeye, it works.

Create a cron job

Now our cucmber is working properly, so we need to schedule our code to execute only on Friday afternoon. TO do that we can config crontab directly or use some gem for help and in this case I use gem whenever by first: add gem in Gemfile

gem 'whenever', require: false

and run bundle to install it. The create new file name schedule.rb in config directory, then write our schedule job:

# config/schedule.rb
every :friday, at: '2pm' do
  command "cd #{Dir.pwd} && bundle exec xvfb-run cucumber -t @social-building"

Fanally, run whenever --update-crontab for adding our schedule script into crontab. And we can check our crontab by command:

whenever --update-crontab
crontab -l

And here the result: Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 10.39.51 PM.png

Now, we are done, and our message will be post every Friday at 2PM.


Final word

Learning cucumber is fun. And fun is important for learning. it lead us to engage on doing and learning something which we think that it has meaning and we'll be ready to challenge with any problems. Hoever, not just cucumber, but also other langauges where we can use to build some fun things. So, let's start coding and have some fun together. 😃

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