Dùng vuejs-paginate để phân trang trong single page application
This post hasn't been updated for 5 years
Phân trang.
- Một style phân trang đơn giản trong single page application, theo khuynh hướng giao diện bootstrap, rất đơn giản về mặt sử dụng, mình xin đề xuất: vuejs-paginate
Cách khởi tạo.
- Có 3 cách để import vào: NPM Dùng npm package.
$ npm install vuejs-paginate --save
Register the component.
Theo ES5
var Paginate = require('vuejs-paginate')
Vue.component('paginate', Paginate)
Theo ES6
import Paginate from 'vuejs-paginate'
Vue.component('paginate', Paginate)
Theo cách import source file:
Vue.component('paginate', VuejsPaginate)
Cách dùng:
- Quá đơn giản phải không nào, các props đều rất rõ ràng ý nghĩa:
- Cách dùng đầy đủ hơn:
export default {
methods: {
clickCallback (pageNum) => {
<style lang="css">
.pagination {
.page-item {
- Ngoài ra còn có thể dùng v-model để binding value tự động change page:
export default {
data() {
return {
page: 10
Toàn bộ props:
page-count Number Total count of pages. required
page-range Number Range of pages which displayed. default: 3
(Note: It is recommended to use an odd number, so that the same number of pages are displayed before and after the active page. If using an even number, there will be one more page number before the active page than after the current page)
margin-pages Number The number of displayed pages for margins. default: 1
prev-text String Text for the previous button. You can use HTML here. default: Prev
next-text String Text for the next button. You can use HTML here. default: Next
break-view-text String Text for the break view indicator. default: ...
Deprecated after v2.0.0 Number The index of initial page which selected. default: 0
force-page Number The page number of overridden selected page.
click-handler Function The method to call when page clicked. Use clicked page number as parameter.
container-class String CSS class name for the layout.
page-class String CSS class name for tag li of each page element.
page-link-class String CSS class name for tag a of each page element.
prev-class String CSS class name for tag li of previous element.
prev-link-class String CSS class name for tag a of previous element.
next-class String CSS class name for tag li of next element.
next-link-class String CSS class name for tag a of next element.
break-view-class String CSS class name for tag li of break view element.
break-view-link-class String CSS class name for tag a of break view element.
active-class String CSS class name for active page element. default: active
disabled-class String CSS class name for disabled page element. default: disabled
no-li-surround Boolean Support no li tag surround a tag. default: false
first-last-button Boolean Support buttons to turn to the first and last page. default: false
first-button-text String Text for first button. (Not visible when first-last-button is false. You can use HTML here.) default: 'First'
last-button-text String Text for last button. (Not visible when first-last-button is false. You can use HTML here.) default: 'Last'
hide-prev-next Boolean Hide prev/next button when there is no previous or next page. default: false
Happy coding 
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