Difference Between Power Washing and Pressure Washing With Pros and Cons

As a matter of fact, for the majority of people, cleaning the exteriors of the house might be a hard ball to roll. Further, the two methods employed for this task that are power washing and pressure washing makes it an even more challenging task. Since both these terms are being used interchangeably, has anyone ever wondered if they are really the same or different from each other? This might have left you bewildered. But, this is the right place where all your puzzles pertaining to these washing methods will cease. However, if asked to reply to this question in one line. Then it would be: they are similar yet different.

But, we would not just leave you thinking upon this answer. In fact, the below given detailed explanations are in the support of the above-stated statement. Considering the fundamental fact shared by both is that they use high-pressure water to withdraw any filth or other impurities from the hard surfaces. On the contrary, they also differ in certain aspects which act as the determining factor for anyone to opt for the appropriate professional cleaning method.


Power Washing is the process of eliminating the material settled on the surface, such as dirt, mould, mud, mildew and other pollutants sourced from the exterior forces of your house. The gush of high-pressure water is applied on the surface in this washing method. In contrary to the pressure washing method, the water utilized in this procedure is heated to a certain temperature.

This is because; hot water tends to simplify the task, by breaking down the contaminants and washing them away as compared to the pressure washing. Moreover, heavy power washing materials are put into practice during power washing. The word of caution while using this washing method is that one should be extremely careful if unprofessional. Rather you should hire a professional to carry out this process. As the machine is designed only to gush out the water, but the extensive power makes it highly unsafe to an unprofessional. It is best to hire a professional cleaning service to carry out all your power washing tasks without harming you or your house.

Pertaining to the fact that the water used in this procedure is high pressure. Therefore, it should be used only on hard surfaces like sidewalks, driveways, fences, decks etc., as they need extra power to be discharged of any impurities.

Pressure Washing

Since both power washing and pressure washing are being used interchangeably; there are not many differences between the two. However, there are a few differences which completely differentiate one from the other. In comparison to power washing, the water used in pressure washing is at normal temperature. This method relies on the intensity of water rather than the temperature. The water shot out in this process, is of so high intensity that it drains out all the dirt, mildew, mould or any other impurities.

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