Begin To Learn To Code

Begin To Learn To Code

With this article I want to show you guy how to learn the code, if you are the beginner which way that you need to learn. How is it difficult or easy to learn ? You can image by yourself, you are beginner, You don't need to think so much how that they done it, But you need to think how start to learn it.

Start With The Old One

In this case, I mean you need to choose one langauge to learn. But you don't need to choose popular langauge as nodejs, java, c#, ruby...Just Choose the old one for beginning is enough because it can make your brain to become your programmer faster than other, I recommend you to learn c programming language Don't try to get difficult, just let with hello world and learn one by one as this steps:

  • Syntax
  • Condition
  • Loop
  • Function
  • String
  • Array
  • Struct
  • File

Change Your Mind With The Code Problems

So many beginners with coding always said that Why they can code like this, How can I code as him ? their problems is thinging, that it is in their mind. So you need to learn to change your mind. Some steps below you help to change your mind:

  • Learn the new logical, with beginner for the new logical is not far way from Code Condition and Loop.
    • Image the problem put into the real thing.
    • Image the real result after we resolve the problem.
  • Write all step of the solutions in paper is better than sit and code.
    • Sometime your mind can be stack or become complex if you try to think and write front of computer. open your mind, and write step by step of your solve without code by using human langauge.
    • try to resolve the problem with Mind Mapping

Learning About The Structure

After you open your mind with the code problems, you need to learn about the structure. It is very important for the improve your skill and thinging. Some of the structures below is for the beginner:

Learning About The Database Systems

With this case, you need to learn about database programming. so you can choose one of them (mysql, sql server, ...) However they still have the same meaning about database so you need to learn is:

  • Ideal for Database Systems
  • Database Design
  • Database code

Choose Your Own Destination

I remember that sentence of Thomas S. Monson, By choosing our path, We choose our destination. It means it is very true with programming after and after you learn, you need to choose what you are becoming.

  • Mobile Development: Android IOS Window Phone ...
  • Web Development:
    • HTML, Javscript, Jquery, CSS
    • Ruby On Rails, PHP, Python, NodeJS ...
    • AngularJS, ReactJS ... ...


In the final, I want to say it is just my idea and my experience with code, I think it is small for big that you see, but however just start with the small and prepare the big thing. After and after hope you guy, can make your dream come true.

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