
Basic LifeCycle in React Native


React native like other platforms offers various life cycle for creating, updating and terminating your components. Here is a quick overview of the states.


These below methods are called in the following order when an instance of a component is being created and inserted into the DOM:

  • constructor()
  • static getDerivedStateFromProps()
  • render()
  • componentDidMount()


An update when needed can be caused by changes to the props or the state. The below methods are called in the following order when a component is being re-rendered:

  • static getDerivedStateFromProps()
  • shouldComponentUpdate()
  • render()
  • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()
  • componentDidUpdate()


This method is called when a component is being removed from the DOM:

  • componentWillUnmount()

Error Handling

This method is called when there is an error during rendering, in a lifecycle method, or in the constructor of any child component.

  • componentDidCatch()

Note: Instance properties can be set by using props or state.

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