An Introduction to the xo Package in Go
The xo package is a powerful tool for generating Go code from SQL database schemas. It provides a convenient way to automate the process of creating Go structs and methods for interacting with your database tables, as well as methods for querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data. Using xo, you can avoid writing boilerplate code and focus on the core functionality of your application. This makes it easier to maintain your code and reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies.
Installing xo
To use xo, you first need to install it using the go get command:
go get -u
This will download and install the xo package in your Go workspace.
Generating Code with xo
Once you have installed xo, you can generate Go code from your SQL schema using the xo command. For example, to generate code for a PostgreSQL database, you can run the following command:
xo pgsql://user:password@host:port/database -o models
This command will generate Go code in the models directory for all tables in the specified database. You can replace pgsql with mysql, sqlite, or mssql to generate code for other database types.
Customizing xo Output
By default, xo generates code that follows Go's best practices and conventions. However, you can also customize the output to fit your specific needs.
For example, you can use the -N flag to change the naming convention for the generated structs and methods. You can also use the -M flag to specify a custom Go package name for the generated code.
Using Generated Code
Once you have generated the code with xo, you can use it in your Go application. Simply import the generated package and use the generated structs and methods to interact with your database. For example, if you generated code for a table named users, you can use the following code to insert a new user into the database: package main
import (
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "user=myuser dbname=mydb password=mypassword host=localhost port=5432 sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
user := models.User{
Username: "johndoe",
Email: "",
Password: "mypassword",
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
UpdatedAt: time.Now(),
err = user.Insert(db)
if err != nil {
In this example, we create a new User struct and use the Insert method generated by xo to insert the new user into the database.
The xo package is a powerful tool for generating Go code from SQL database schemas. By automating the process of creating Go structs and methods for interacting with your database tables, xo makes it easier to write and maintain high-quality Go code. To learn more about xo and how to use it, check out the official documentation on GitHub:
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